Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

wooww....this is book so awesome
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo (Goodreads Author), Bagram Ibatoulline (Illustrator)

"Someone will come for you, but first you must open your heart. . . ."

Once, in a house on Egypt Street, there lived a china rabbit named Edward Tulane. The rabbit was very pleased with himself, and for good reason: he was owned by a girl named Abilene, who treated him with the utmost care and adored him completely.

And then, one day, he was lost.

Kate DiCamillo takes us on an extraordinary journey, from the depths of the ocean to the net of a fisherman, from the top of a garbage heap to the fireside of a hoboes' camp, from the bedside of an ailing child to the bustling streets of Memphis. And along the way, we are shown a true miracle — that even a heart of the most breakable kind can learn to love, to lose, and to love again

Saturday, June 7, 2014

7th birthday Goodreads Indonesia

ikutan kopdar Goodreads Indonesia dan dapet buku ini, kemaren pernah ikut Giveaway buku Fantasy tapi gak dapet, eee....ikutan kopdar malah dapet bukunya...emang rezeki gak kemana :)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Swans Are Fat Too

My brother won giveaway in goodreads and get this book


Natalia Lanska, formidable Polish pianist, is dead. No one is really sorrowing, except maybe her granddaughter Hania, whose own career as a concert artist never took off due to a terrible weight problem. Feeling unwanted, Hania arrives in Warsaw for the funeral hoping for a warm welcome from her relatives. Instead, they saddle her with their appalling children, decamp, and refuse to return. Hania’s situation is at first improved and then complicated when a neighbor ─ the very correct, very austere descendant of an old Polish family ─ asks her to proofread an amateur history project. Hania sets to work with a will, and Pan Doctor Prince Konstanty Radzimoyski is surprised when his ideas get more editing than he bargained for. Typing pages of the past, rediscovering her native city, and playing the piano all contribute to taking Hania’s mind off her problems, but can’t change her awareness that the children need help and that her growing attachment to her employer will only give her pain. The summer Hania spends between love, hostility, and the weight of history tests her resourcefulness, but her fresh ideas and readiness to carry on brighten the lives of her new acquaintances. Still, no one, least of all Hania herself, expects that her beautiful qualities will make Konstanty forget her figure and other excess baggage. 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Exodus-A Requiem for Jacob Forlorn

my lucky brother get a book again from goodreads


From the writer of the heartwarming and inspirational ebook "The Little Boy and the Sea," comes a dark and haunting novel for the Kindle and print with "Exodus: A Requiem for Jacob Forlorn." A tale of love, lust, betrayal and vengeance. What happens when everything you've worked for and sacrificed for is suddenly taken away from you? What happens when the greatest love you've ever known isn't what it seems? What happens when your most loyal childhood friends and family pass away? What happens when one man takes a fateful journey between love and hate, light and darkness...Heaven and Hell? Jacob Forlorn is a beleaguered everyman escaping from the shadows of a bitter and broken past to find his place in life when he meets Miranda, a beautiful and mysterious woman with a past of her own. Drawn by love at first sight, a whirlwind romance brimming with intense passion ensues, culminating in the birth of a beautiful child. But all is not well in paradise. Against the remains of a hidden past, something dark and deadly emerges, threatening to either warn Jacob or rob him of both his heart and his sanity. Jealousy, resentment and deception emerge, soon forming a deadly web of intrigue, lust and secrecy which all have repercussions far beyond anything he ever imagined. As dark visions and nightmares haunt him repeatedly, Jacob soon begins to walk a very fine line between right and wrong, against a backdrop of misery and death that pushes him to the limits of his faith in God. Someone...or something is after him. The secrets of the past begin to destroy him both physically and spiritually, forcing him to make a dangerous choice. Love. Lust. Betrayal. Vengeance. It all comes to an end and something has to give. The journey to Hell and back has now begun

Friday, April 11, 2014

My Gift to You : The Comfort Zone

thank's god 
I won a giveaway from Goodreads 
thank you to Tammy who have given this book for me :) 
I started to read it....


From the time you were young, you've had a dream that one day you would do something amazing.

Several chapters into your life later, you wonder where all the days went and why you've lost or forgotten the dream that you had since you were young. You've searched and at times sacrificed security and sanity to find it. Even so, you only have more questions than answers and a memory that serves to make you both smile and cry.

Where did the youthful heart that hoped and dreamed without bounds and believed nothing was impossible go? Where did the youthful spirit that could create options that did not exist go? Where did the youthful heart that would play with an open mind, open heart, and carefree passion go? Where did the youthful spirit that thrived on challenges go? Where did the youthful heart that believed in magic go? Where did the youthful spirit that was enthusiastically and passionately in love with life go?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Solas Beir Trilogy

My lucky brother
he won again, Giveaways from Goodreads
He won a second book of The Solas Beir Trilogy : The Rabbit and The Raven by Melissa Ousley Eskue 
not only that, Melissa also gave him the first book : Sign of The Throne
ready to translate both of them :D


Abby is an ordinary girl haunted by dreams of an ivory castle, blood-thirsty monsters, and a striking stranger. Working as a babysitter for a family of mythology lovers in wealthy Newcastle Beach, California, she struggles to define herself among the elite class while trying to make sense of her strange visions. Upon meeting David, the doppelgänger of the mysterious young man in her dreams, Abby’s life is changed forever.

Encountering the queen of Cai Terenmare, a magical kingdom in a parallel world, Abby learns of an evil lord hell-bent on usurping the throne, the murder of Cai Terenmare’s king, the Solas Beir, and the kidnapping of the Solas Beir’s infant son.

As the kingdom struggles to endure, the queen shows Abby the full extent of her destiny. She must convince her mysterious crush, David, that he is the lost heir. While braving attacks from the dark lord’s sadistic minions, David must realize his true identity and return to Cai Terenmare to claim his throne before time runs out, lest the evil that was temporarily locked away be unleashed, threatening to destroy both the kingdom and all of humanity


Darkness is beguiling...and power always comes with a price.

Adopted by loving parents, David Corbin had no idea his life as he knew it was a lie. Then he met a girl. Abby Brown freed David from the spell keeping him from the truth, that he was the lost heir to the throne in a magical realm. 

Even though he got the girl and gained a kingdom, David had no clue about the unfathomable power he would inherit, nor did he realize how much he would have to sacrifice to keep the throne.

If there is any hope of winning the war against the deadly Blood Shadows, David and Abby will have to journey to the outer edges of the realm to secure the loyalty of the four Oracles. Along the way, they will learn just how seductive darkness can be.

Friday, January 31, 2014

A Street Dream : The EverGreen Architecture

Ini buku yang dimenangkan adekku dari Goodreads juga
he's very lucky ;)
ceritanya memang cerita dewasa, jadi aku recommended buku ini untuk kalian yang udah 17+ ya...;)
tapi di luar itu, cerita ini penuh makna yang akan memberitahukan kita, apa itu sebuah mimpi
happy reading :)


“Just like a dream I ’ve found on the street—tak peduli kau arsitek atau bukan, arsitektur paling agung tetaplah bangunan bernama kehidupan. 
Penari atau DJ, rapper atau pembalap liar, apapun, all is good, jadilah arsitek untuk kehidupanmu sendiri... 
Seperti pepohonan evergreen yang selalu hijau, waktu dan musim bisa mengubah segalanya, tapi tidak dengan siapa dirimu sebenarnya...” - Sean Walker

Menyimpan mimpi untuk mengubah dunia dengan kejujuran, jutawan muda Sean Walker mengubur masa lalu gelapnya di balapan liar hutan evergreen bersama kisah misterius lenyapnya Billy. Ketika kehidupan barunya sebagai pembalap nasional sekaligus mahasiswa biasa di departemen arsitektur malah mempertemukannya dengan sahabat-sahabat tak biasa:

Nathan Evan—mahasiswa miskin nyaris dropped out yang berjuang menjadi DJ berbekal sepasang turntable tua, di tengah trauma akan kematian adiknya yang tertembak dengan kepala pecah dalam perkelahian gangster di club kota. 
Rachel Scott—mahasiswi arsitektur teladan yang tak pernah percaya pada mimpi. Hingga George Thomas—mahasiswa Departemen Musik yang membawa handgun kemana pun, rapper mantan penghisap ganja yang lahir dari kerasnya kehidupan kumuh ghetto penuh kriminalitas.

Cerita anak-anak muda yang mempertaruhkan sebuah keyakinan, mengejar mimpi, dan mencari arti kejujuran yang akhirnya malah mereka temukan di jalan jalan pinggiran kota. Mulai dari kisah imigran gelap yang menjadi pembalap kriminal di pinggir pelabuhan, corat-coret pemberontakan dalam graffiti ilegal di dinding lorong lorong kota, cinta seorang stripper, hingga penari dan rapper-rapper jalanan yang mengejar mimpi di bawah garis kemiskinan. Mulai dari nyaris terbunuh berandal-berandal kota yang berjuang bertahan hidup, anak kecil buruh perkebunan yang mengajarkan makna terbang tanpa sayap, hingga cerita kakek tua yang menjadi penyanyi jalanan di atas kursi roda. 

Semua akhirnya menguak filosofi indah di balik kisah lenyapnya Billy serta mimpinya dan Sean yang tak pernah berubah: mimpi untuk mengubah dunia... dengan murninya sebuah kejujuran hati

Monday, January 6, 2014

Love Puzzle

i won giveaway from Goodreads, and this book is Love Puzzle 
it feels really exited 
thank you to Ms. Eva Sri Rahayu 
I finished reading this book 
ceritanya ringan dan asyik banget di baca saat sedang jenuh atau bosan
i recommended this book be one of your collection who like to read novels
happy reading :)


Rasi memberi senyuman, tetapi cowok itu malah tidak mengacuhkannya.

“Raja?" sapa Rasi.

“Sori?” Kening cowok itu berkerut.

“Kamu Raja, kan?” tanya Rasi lagi.

“Hmm, enggak usah sok kenal, deh,” balas Raja dingin.

Rasi melengkungkan bibirnya, cowok keren memang sering kena amnesia! “Enggak usah nyebelin gitu, deh. Kamu kan yang nanya-nanya soal fotografi di atap BIM kemarin? Kalau aku salah orang, biasa aja, deh.” 

Raja merespon perkataannya dengan wajah kaget. Namun sedetik kemudian, ekspresi Raja kembali sinis. “Denger ya, aku enggak kenal kamu!” geram Raja penuh penekanan.

Sejak ketemu cowok itu, Rasi merasa level hatinya naik turun seperti roller coaster: kadang berbunga, kadang kesal setengah mati. Sama seperti sikap Raja yang jago sulap: kadang baik, kadang nyebelin. Ada ya orang yang seperti itu? Rasi hanya belum tahu kalau di balik semua kejadian ada misteri tersimpan. Dan takdir menuntun Rasi masuk ke labirin yang entah ke mana berujung …. 

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